Sam's Journey
Tell us about your story?
I started using Herbalife products and was given a personalised meal plan in March 2021 and after 6 months, I am feeling healthier than ever and 5 stone down. My original goal was to lose weight as I weighed the heaviest I ever weighed in my life...I was feeling horrible. I have listened to all the great advice my coach has been given to me and I haven’t had one day without my Herbalife products. I just wanted to feel like me again and I finally feel like I have my life back.
How did Herbalife help you with your journey?
Herbalife has given me confidence in myself and with the help of my amazing nutritional coach, Rio, I am a lot more educated in what is good for me and my body requirements. I have her help 24/7 so have no need to go off plan. I have enjoyed not treating this as a diet and have used this to completely change my way of life, making subtle changes to get the best out of what I am doing.
After losing the weight, my dream of playing football again has come true and none of this would have been possible without Herbalife and the great supportive Herbalife community. Finally, I feel the 14 and 21 day challenges have really helped me stay motivated, especially when you are struggling and need help.
Which are your favourite Herbalife products?
My favourite Herbalife products are the Cookie Crunch F1, Protein Drink Mix and the multi-vitamins and Herbalifeline Max.
I have my shake with the PDM to start my day off every morning and it makes me feel energised and ready to tackle the full day ahead of me. I also take my vitamins every day and this gives my body the boost it needs. I also love the sports range the rebuild strength and CR7 are amazing for when I’m playing football. Prior to Herbalife, my body always felt run down and I was susceptible to cold+flu, now my body feels much stronger and I haven’t felt ill since taking these products.